Today’s rapier fencing strength exercise is the Isometric Hold Lunge aka a Static Lunge. This is a good way to strengthen your weak areas (hips, quads, lats, shoulders, wrist etc.).

The goal is to isometrically hold your position in three key areas of the lunge — the on-guard position, offensive position, and lunge position (though you could do this with passing lunges too).

Feel free to do this with a foil or no sword to start. Just holding your arm up will build some muscular endurance.

Here’s How to Do It:

1️⃣ Pick a length of time you want to hold for. I tried aiming for :30s per position but was counting in my head so I’m off.

If you know you’re on the weaker side, aim for :10-:15s per position.

2️⃣ Hold your on-guard position for desired length of time.

This is a great opportunity to build strength in the rear leg from your defensive posture.

3️⃣ Then hip hinge forward into your offensive posture for your set time. The go into your leaning-lunge, step-lunge, or passing lunge for your set duration.

4️⃣ After that, go in reverse! Recover!

5️⃣ Be sure to switch sides.

If you’re a righty, then do this lefty! Repeat this same process.

⚔️ Personal Notes: My legs felt good with this. My left hip worked hard and my shoulders & lats were working extra hard because of yesterday’s workout. You can see my arm shaking almost from the get-go.