Looking to improve your rapier game but don’t have a sword or live in a tiny city apartment without any room? Have no fear. You can work on your forms, attack and sequences with this simple drill.

All you need to do is bounce a tennis ball in front of you and then catch it in the air while using various attacks and footwork. This can be done easily at the gym or in a small space in an apartment.

Some benefits of this drill:

  1. It promotes explosive motion. Slow motion drilling is great, but fencing is a dynamic and explosive sport. This drill teaches you to do moves in a smoother, more explosive fashion. If you try doing this drill slowly, you’re going to have difficulty catching the ball as it descends.
  2. It promotes good form. If you try to grab the ball out of order (see: moving feet before arm/hand), you’re going to have a tough time catching the ball. Remember: Hand/arm leads first. The legs follow.
  3. It’s interactive. Your mind needs to concentrate on a moving target while performing attacks in good sequence, which adds a layer of difficulty from doing forms in an isolated fashion.
  4. Minimal space and equipment required. You don’t need a sword for this and it can easily be done in a small apartment. I put down a jump pad to help deaden the sound of the ball bouncing; it also means the ball doesn’t bounce as well.

NOTE: I also encourage folks to film themselves doing this drill and then watching it to analyze their form. Are your hips kicking out? Is your leading foot pointing straight or kicked inward a bit? Are you moving in proper sequence? Etc.

Give this a try and let me know what you think! Happy swording!